Van Zyl
Lymphoblastic Leukaemia
Daniella vs. Leukaemia
When 2020 started, I had only just begun to see a clear path for where I would be in 20 or 30 years. I had just begun a new career and moved into my own apartment and could see a bright future for myself. Little did I know that the biggest battle for my life was around the corner.
From the beginning of February 2020 I had started noticing bruising over my legs and arms. Being as clumsy as I am, I never paid the bruising much attention. It wasn’t until I started noticing tiny blue and purple dots on my face and inside my mouth, that I knew these bruises weren’t from me walking into things, but rather that there was something else going on.
The most distinctive memory I have, is the emergency doctors and nurses at the Union Hospital rushing around me while the only thought in my mind was “I’m not ready to die”. Not knowing what was actually going on, I just knew I wasn’t ready.
My name is Daniella Van Zyl. I am 27 years old and on the 3rd of March 2020 I was diagnosed with Philadelphia Chromosome positive acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia (Ph+ALL), a rare type of blood cancer which required me to have a lifesaving Bone Marrow Transplant. Given the severity of my condition, I was given 8 months to live. But my conviction remained; "I am not ready to die!"
It has been a year and a half since my diagnosis and after 7 high doses of chemotherapy, Full Body and Brain Radiation, 8 Bone Marrow Biopsies, 8 Spinal Taps, 32 Blood Transfusions and a Bone Marrow Transplant that gave me a second chance at life, I am in full remission, despite what the doctors said and the little chance I had to survive, by Gods Grace ant Glory I am still here.
Leukaemia crept up on me and truly knocked me off my feet!
Before my diagnosis, I had no idea about the symptoms or what the disease entails. It is for this exact reason that I find it extremely important to raise awareness and to offer any type of support to others fighting this dreaded illness.
At the time of my diagnosis I was so unsure and terrified, if I had a “me” offering support and guidance during that time it would have made my journey a lot less scary.
So as I share my story and create awareness around leukemia and Bone Marrow Transplants, I will continue to be a “me” to as many fellow fighters, as I possibly can.
“I am still here” – Daniella Van Zyl.